Reliable ways to germinate cannabis seeds

  • 06 July 2021 12:34:36
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A simple hemp plant is two-faced. On the one hand, hemp is difficult to get rid of, and therefore it is considered a weed. On the other hand, in order to get high-quality marijuana, it is necessary to germinate branded seeds from trusted breeders. After all, they contain the genetic basis for the high content of THC.

Confidence in a decent harvest of the next growing marijuana growing season can be obtained if you follow a few simple rules. From selecting and buying cannabis seeds to harvesting, stick to the middle path.

Selection of marijuana seeds

Only legal western breeders have quality seeds for growing marijuana. This is their professional activity, with the scientific substantiation of the process, they keep the brand and are responsible for every seed. Therefore, their germination rate approaches 100%.

Domestic cannabis growers can also serve as a source of seeds with slightly good genetics and decent germination. Although they work illegally, the reviews of Ukrainian breeders about marijuana seeds also deserve attention. In addition, they constantly improve their professional skills.

Somewhat easier, but at the same time riskier, there may be an option using your own seed. There are growers who order regular varietal marijuana seeds, which are pollinated and produce, in addition to heads, cannabis seeds. This option is detrimental in the long run, as the powerful genetic code of varietal marijuana is gradually diluted. Therefore, it will be necessary at least a year later to bribe branded varieties of feminized cannabis seeds, and pollinate them with the pollen of their regulars.

Of course, if you buy hemp seeds in an online store, and even from a European manufacturer, you can be sure that they have passed the preliminary quality selection. With your cannabis seeds, you don’t have to stand on ceremony, because they got it for free. However, as growers gain experience, they begin to calibrate the grains so that they are the same size and color even before soaking.

Soaking hemp seeds

It is impossible to unify the germination of varietal marijuana seeds, because. they differ in the thickness of the shell and the speed of reaction to contact with water. This is a natural form of adaptation of cannabis to changing growing conditions. With the same high content of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, hemp seeds of different varieties may change the thickness of the protective shell, color, average grain size / caliber. Therefore, standard methods for preparing seed for germination have come into practice.

There are two ways to dramatically increase the germination of marijuana seeds: scarification and stratification. You can use these approaches separately, or you can combine them. The genetics of marijuana also influence the result.


Having a thick protective shell, hemp seeds are reliably protected from the surrounding atmosphere. But it does not allow moisture to get inside the grain. To facilitate the task, use scarification - scratching. Such an impact damages the outer shell of the grains, leaving scratches and chips on it. Through them, water penetrates more easily to the seed, and starts the growth process. For hemp, it is best to use mechanical scarification.

Roll thin sandpaper into a tube 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm in diameter, with a rough surface inward. Pour hemp seeds into the tube, plug both ends of the tube with your fingers and shake the contents vigorously for a minute. After such a procedure, scratches of different depths will appear on the shell, through which it will be easier for water to penetrate.


Marijuana has a high adaptive resource, and even its seeds somehow capture changes in weather conditions. So many plants need to go through a hibernation stage in order to start the development cycle from the seed. Stratification is the process of simulating winter conditions in order to increase the germination of cannabis seeds.

Similar conditions for marijuana seeds can be created on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Cannabis seeds should be put in a sealed bag, pour 2-3 tsp inside. wet river sand and then wrapped in dark paper. Protection from light is required so that the seeds do not begin to germinate ahead of time.

When placing the packaging on the top shelf of the refrigerator, make sure that the contents are not frozen through. The ideal temperature is 1-3˚C. The time spent in this state is 2-4 weeks.

Active stage of germination of marijuana seeds

By using already prepared hemp seeds, the grower gets more even seedlings and uniform plant growth. In practice, the simplest and most proven methods give the best results. Therefore, we will rely on the equipment and tools that are in every home.

Rinse a plastic lid for a glass jar well with boiling water, put a piece of toilet paper folded in 2-3 layers into it and moisten it with water. Sprinkle hemp seeds on top and cover with the same paper towel. Slightly moisten and place this structure in a plastic bag so that a humid microclimate is formed inside.

Already after 1-2 days, the shell will crack on many grains, and white tails of the roots will appear. In this state, the seeds can already be transferred to seedling cups. It is best to do this with tweezers, and be sure to lower the white spine down.

The author's recommendations of some experienced growers indicate that for better germination of hemp seeds, a pinch of black soil or humus should be poured into the plastic cover. This supplement contains a minimum of nutrients that activate the processes of seed awakening.

Soil for growing cannabis seedlings

It is necessary to carefully prepare the soil mixture in which the primary development of marijuana will occur. For the base, you can take purchased soil for seedlings, but it must be diluted with fillers for aeration. The cheapest option is finely crumbled foam. It is enough to take any piece of foam, and grate it on a coarse grater. In order for the particles not to scatter, they must be moistened. Such a filler is added up to 20% by volume of the soil. It is also recommended to add 10-20% manure humus. It is taken in the depths of old manure heaps, which have lain like this for 3-5 years.

It is most convenient to use plastic cups for hemp seedlings. Sprouted grains are placed at a depth of 5-10 mm, slightly sprinkled with the same soil mixture on top and moistened well. After 2-3 days, sprouts appear. If the temperature is stably maintained at 23-28˚C, then after 12-14 days 2 pairs of true leaves will appear, and the plant can be moved to a permanent place. On the open ground, it is necessary to make a small depression in the soil with a shovel handle, the size of a cup with seedlings. Then the plastic is cut, and the earthen ball with the growth is carefully lowered into the prepared hole.

After transplantation, it is recommended to shed each bush well with water with the addition of Kornevin. This contributes to a more active growth of the root system. Good luck!

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