Why mature plants may differ, although they are the same variety.

  • 10 February 2018 17:13:52
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There are many varieties of marijuana. Ranging from undersized as well as huge sativa strains to medical grades with little or no THC. Plants also differ in appearance, for example, Blue genetics, as well as the predominance of an indica or sativa variety, is reflected in the appearance of foliage and, naturally, the content of THC and CBD. (CBD)

There is such an isolated case, when from one package of a variety of your choice, one plant has grown unlike the others. This is not because you did something wrong, do not rush to scold yourself, of course, you should not immediately grab the computer and look for the store that sold this variety to you, not you, not the consultant, are not guilty of this. In this article we will try to explain why this happens.


The cannabis genotype is the sum of the genes that have been passed down through the DNA of the plant from its "parents". It is in your interest to create optimal conditions for the plant so that its genetic potential contained in the genotype manifests itself to the maximum. The genotype contains plant characteristics: growth, yield, THC content, leaf shape and color.


A phenotype is also a combination of all the characteristics obtained by inheritance and which mutated and eventually appeared: “personal characteristics”. For example: the AutoBlueBerry Fem variety , half of the plants will be purple and the other half green, and there is no guarantee that if you buy 6 seeds of this variety, 3 plants will be purple and the other 3 green, then probability theory comes into play: 4/2 and 5/1, if you're lucky. There is also quite an important factor that determines the phenotype, it is usually called "tendency" The tendency to have 2 sexes (hermaphrodite), with proper cultivation - this may not appear, but if the plant is not resistant to diseases, temperature extremes, having received stress, this tendency will show myself.

A variety with different phenotypes can be observed, for example: cannabis with Indica or Sativa. If the hybrid has a 50/50% ratio, it's possible that one part will eventually shift and give you some dominant indica or sativa property. The more seeds (from 3-5 and more) the stronger the deviation will be, in the end you can get an almost pure indica or sativa.

Dominant and recessive traits

The judgment that when crossing dominant and recessive genes, the characteristics of the dominant will be, is not true. In fact, everything is different, dominant genes are not 100% manifested, there is a chance that the recessive gene will also manifest itself. Most often this is observed in polyhybrids - properties can appear even after a generation, thus the same variety can show different properties, sometimes, it would seem, even the most unexpected ones.

Modification variability and mutation.

"Modification variability" refers to changes in the phenotype under the influence of factors. In simple words, if you have a plant without proper care, did not die, but still gave offspring with proper care, the plant will show its actual characteristics, the gynetics of the variety will not change from this.

Mutation is a natural or acquired genetic change. A mutation is not predictable, it can incredibly improve a variety, or it can completely destroy it, there is a very small chance of achieving something positive due to a mutation.

hybrid stability

If we take into account all of the above, we can draw a conclusion and calculate the probability of obtaining a variety with the properties that are needed. Remember if varieties have the same name: Satory Fem and Satory Reg - this does not mean that they have the same genotype.

The difference that can manifest itself directly affects not only the external characteristics, but the properties of the plant themselves can also change, for example: by adopting the characteristics of the mother and adopting the characteristics of the father, say 80/20 with a dominant sativa, differences can be both with an increase in sativa and with an increase in indica, in other words, the proportion may change, but the dominant subspecies remains unchanged, that is, sativa.

A better and more stable result will give seeds that are: fresh, cultivated by professionals.

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