Auto Xtremo

Cartel SeedsAutoflowering FeminizedHighAmnesia x Super HazeHarvest indoor: 400-450 gr.m2 Harvest outdoor: 60-80 gr. from a plant11-12 weeksfrom 40-150 cmsativa high, active, cheerfulSpicy sensual fragrance.SativaLemon, sweet, fruity
  • 240грн

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Tags: лимон, сладкий, фруктовый

Auto Xtremo Fem is ready to harvest approximately 85 days after sowing the seeds.

This strain takes longer to grow than other autoflowering strains, but this makes Auto Xtremo Reg strong potency, great flavor and a rich harvest.

In addition, these plants become slightly taller than others. Their height, as a rule, reaches 1.5 m.

It will be very difficult for other cannabis strains to outperform this new autoflowering strain.

Strain properties
EffectEffectsativa high, active, cheerful
flowering periodflowering period11-12 weeks
GeneticsGeneticsAmnesia x Super Haze
HarvestHarvestHarvest indoor: 400-450 gr.m2 Harvest outdoor: 60-80 gr. from a plant
plant heightplant heightfrom 40-150 cm
SeedbankSeedbankCartel Seeds
Smell (level)Smell (level)Spicy sensual fragrance.
TasteTasteLemon, sweet, fruity
TypeTypeAutoflowering Feminized

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